Examine this drawing. Notice that this picture is two dimensional. Very simple drawn. Now look at the drawing closely. What do you see? A wine cup or two faces that is close to each others. It’s pretty interesting how your brain can show you two images on a single picture. How you think something like that works? Well….it depends on what you make the negative space. If you make the sides negative you will see the wine cup. Same thing the opposite way, if you make the middle space negative, you will see the two faces. This is called gestalt. Gestalt in psychology is how our minds seek unity when unity doesn't exist. The way our mind groups things Is the way a picture will appear to us. There are many ways to achieve unity. Here are few of them; proximity, repetition, continuation, continuity and the grid, the grid, varied repetition…etc. Take a close look on how simple this drawing is very well balanced. It may look simple, but look on how it meets everything for an image to look perfect. Did you notice that the drawing doesn’t have a border line and it still comes out very well? We will leave this discussion for later.
(Picture taken from: http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/~kbroom/images/gestaltpics/vaseface.png)
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