Looking at something that exist in society and trying to improve it is not as easy as someone can think. Let’s take a look at this bicycle. It has different gears on the front and back chain stay which can be controlled from the handle bar. The handle bar also has the brake lever that controls the front and back brake caliper. The seat is adjustable to ones size. Look at the spokes on both wheels you see the reflectors on them, which are also on the handlebar post and seat post. Looking at the bike with all its features makes you think that the bike has everything that can be add on it. Being a designer you have to think outside box. For example, let’s add an umbrella that is built-in on the bike since we are getting close to the winter. How? We will have it on the cross bar but close to the handle bar. After spending time on this project and finishing it, innovation has occurred. Doing this we just did the six steps of the process of design which are purpose, form, idiom, structure, quality, and surface. We didn’t show all the steps here, but we assume we finished the project completely. To be able to design, you have to go through the six step process to succeed.
(Picture taken from: http://www.cksinfo.com/clipart/traffic/bicycles/bicycle-yellow.png)
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