Look at this art and notice how the artist has three icons each with a salient point. What are the icons he is using trying to represent? By looking at this piece of art you can think that the artist is always lonely. He thinks he is odd or unique from everyone else around him. If you look at each icon and see there is a little similarities between them. At the same time each one is laying down different the other. Choosing this background or place to put these icons tells you the artist is into nature or it could he is in a recovery period. It also could mean he is in suffering or issues but there is hope for everything to get better and back like it was and possibly better because of the small amount of water he has in the design. Also, having a little green area and the majority is dry supports the statement above. You can look on how he has taking in the consideration of the positive and negative of surrounding. This made us think why he has them next to each other and not randomly put. We can pursue this from different angles and have different views. This shows how every person thinks according to his situation.
(Picture taken from: http://www.morning-earth.org/ARTISTNATURALISTS/AN_images/RANDALL-PAGE/575%20PIX/3_dartmoor.jpg)~
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