Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 pieces = 1

Three pieces of art make an abstract fine art. Look at the similarity in each one. Notice how they flow into each other. The curved lines give the art a rhythm to it. The gutter between the three art works lets the brain relate these images to each other. It’s actually called closure. The two different textures used in the background makes it interesting and at the same time its filling all the negative spots. Let us focus on the colors of the art work. The two supplementary colors that are used are blue and brown. The textures are mixed of these two colors. The oval shapes are blue with shading to make them look 3-D. Adding white in the centers of the oval shapes shows how the lighting is coming on the piece of art. To keep the picture balanced they used few oval shapes that are in brown color. Notice the striped lines across the image are combined of the two colors. They go inside, outside and between the oval shapes keeping the piece of art balanced. Check the pattern on each part of the art and see how they’re related to the whole art. You notice how they flow into each other’s. Being a successful designer you have to be unique.

(Picture taken from:

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