Monday, November 16, 2009


What is a designer? What takes to be a good designer? The definition of designer is the way you look at the world around you. Each designer should watch an objectified documentary film by Gary Hustwit.

It talks about what makes a good design. Being a successful designer requires a lot of effort, time and patience. You have to think outside the box. Be unfashionable. “Try stuff then ask forgiveness” as said by David Kelley. Designer look what are the most used stuff in daily life and try to make it easier for use. When making things easier to use they’re manipulating old thing into new things and that what we look for as consumers. We like to experience new things. Sometimes a design will make you sense an emotion that really touches you, with that you hope that others will get this sense of emotion you felt for that specific design. A successful designer should always try to have in his design honesty, simple, understandable, easier for use, smaller, lighter…etc. As you work on a design, the process is very important because it can lead you to other ideas, and the other ideas should lead into more and more… Something you never thought about will just come and make a difference in people’s life. Not all the ideas are perfect or will work as you imagined it. Like what David said “Try stuff then ask forgiveness.”

A successful designer thinks what will happen afterwards. Now day’s designers have to take consideration of the different materials they use and make sure they are environment friendly. With that inconsideration, it somewhat limits the materials. Being an eco friendly is very important for the future generation. A successful designer will be able to use recyclable materials. An example of a company that takes that inconsideration is Apple. I bet you wonder sometimes why Apple has been so successful. That is one of the reasons that make them successful.

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