Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Warm & Cool Colors affects

This piece of art work is showing fall season. Looking at the interesting colors of the trees gives a person a sense of warm weather. It is funny how we relate the visual sensation of color to warm and cool. Warm and cool are sensation of feel, touch, not sight. How did we know it’s warm not cool? Let us associate the colors with objects so we can see how it’s related to physical sensation. The color red and orange relate to fire and yellow to sunlight. Because of these we relate those colors to warm colors. Similarly, blue is for sky and/or water, green is for grass and/or plants. Those colors relate to cool colors. Now you know how to give a sensation of colors on an art work. Looking at the different value of colors shows us were is the light striking in the image is usually called tint. This done by adding white to the color you’re using to make it bright. Having low value colors were the light is not hitting it directly and just reflecting on the tree is called shade. Shade is done by adding black to the color you’re using to change its value to dark. Color plays a BIG role in your everyday life.

(Picture taken from: http://api.ning.com/files/c2AtTFyjLBqa8YkY6y0dQ7X*3V886d-nmXE9JPN4cwecMR8VClH4IsShREXtGnz7xVYXMx-Cog4ScLqxFkHteDIBzdHF-UV2/Fall_in_Northern_Michigan_nature_art_computerdestkop_wallpaper_1600.jpg)

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